Why CrescentOne? » Education & Training

ERP Education and Training

Our worldwide training team provides a large range of education programs for all levels of your organization. From high-level executive overviews and conceptual implementation management to functional end-user training, we are here for you.

Our Philosophy

CrescentOne offers one of the most comprehensive software training programs available. We understand your unique training needs and will ensure that the appropriate people in your organization receive the right training. After all, we want you to get the most from your software and know that proper training is a key to your success. We use a hands-on learning experience in task-oriented courses that use real world examples of implementations.

Superior Instruction

Our instructors are experienced in a full range of business settings and sophisticated technologies. They provide in-depth knowledge of product features and are well versed in adult teaching methods to give you a learning experience that balances theory and application. We will deliver expertise that maximizes your return on a training investment.

Client-Site Classes

Training should add value to your operations without disrupting your business. So we offer you the flexibility to select a training schedule and environment best suited to your needs. We will arrange courses at your site using training materials tailored to your individual goals and requirements.

On-Site Education

If you are in your initial implementation of GLOVIA G2 software or are going through a migration, contact your assigned Project Manager to coordinate scheduling activities based upon your agreed Project Plan. Otherwise, contact  to discuss your training requirements with a CrescentOne Professional Services representative.

Regional Education

In addition to the on-site option, CrescentOne offers education and training at our Headquarters in El Segundo, California throughout the year for a select number of the highly technical courses. Contact  to add your name to the distribution list for receiving our latest education schedule and course catalog.

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