Business Metric Counts and Gauges

Business Metric Counts and Gauges provide users with real-time visual indicators of business critical measures and a quantification of the level of action that is required.

  • By clicking on a Count or Gauge, the user is pro-actively driven to a spreadsheet like grid listing the specific actions that need to be performed.
  • A single shared Query is used to drive the Count/Gauge, and, the grid that it drills to.
  • Business Metric Counts and Gauges can be updated automatically at regular intervals or alternatively on-demand with a single mouse click. The Date and time of last update is displayed.
  • Counts and Gauges can be built in a fraction of the time required to create Insights and without the need for technical knowledge required to manually create and deploy any scripts. They are created completely within the GLOVIA G2 application.

Conditional Formatting

  • Conditional formatting capabilities provide the ability to create user defined rules that automatically set the font colors and/or background highlight colors of grid rows based on those rules.

Business Metrics Scheduler

  • The Business Metrics scheduler provides a simple and easy way of organizing the time and frequency at which Counts, Gauges and Insights are automatically updated.
  • This provides the ability to spread the load and minimize any impact on system performance.
  • Business Metric Counts and Gauges are associated to a ‘Scheduling Category’. For each Scheduling Category it is possible to identify the date and time of the initial execution, and the regular interval at which the Business Metric Gauges and Counts, associated to that Category, will be automatically updated.

Download the CrescentOne data sheet to learn more about implementing our GLOVIA G2 Business Metrics ERP Module at your company.


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