Seamlessly Convert Your Contacts into Orders
GLOVIA G2 Contact & Opportunity Management is an easy-to-use, web-enabled solution for managing your sales opportunities. As an integrated part of GLOVIA G2 Customer Relationship Management, Contact & Opportunity Management streamlines, manages and tracks sales activities and opportunities.
The seamless integration between Contact & Opportunity Management and other GLOVIA G2 modules, such as Sales Quotes, Sales Orders, Bid Process Management and Contract Management, helps compress sales cycle times, reduce data entry errors and increase customer service levels. With one mouse click, prospect information can be populated instantly into a sales quote and with another click, that information can be converted into a sales order and processed to populate a master customer file.
CrescentOne has designed Contact & Opportunity Management to function in simple, as well as complex, sales environments where there may be many parties involved in a particular service or sale. The solution is comprised of three main elements: organizations, opportunities and activities.
With GLOVIA G2 you have immediate access to all required information to establish and maintain your customer relationships.
Within Contact & Opportunity Management, ‘Organizations’ can be customers, prospects or third parties involved in sales activities. The module is flexible and provides you with an unlimited number of fields to define organizations.
This allows you to track Organizations as specifically or generally as you wish to support your analysis needs. Each Organization can have an unlimited number of contacts to support complex sales cycles and provides additional analysis at the contact level.
Contact & Opportunity Management is a fully integrated solution that enables you to link Organizations to existing customers and it provides visibility into account balances, sales quotes, sales orders and even service orders and service calls. Where Organizations are prospects, Contact & Opportunity Management provides access to all related active sales quotes.
Opportunities’ are potential sales that can be stand-alone or associated within an Organization – either an existing customer or prospect. To support complex sales processes, you can associate multiple Opportunities to a single Organization or vice versa.
To maintain customer relationships and help win sales, Contact & Opportunity Management allows users to define sales activities. Activities can be standalone, unrelated to any specific Opportunity, or linked to a specific Organization, Opportunity or Organization/Opportunity combination. In this manner, users can create and view their own “to-do” list. For instance, a manager might want to see all future Activities planned for an Opportunity, regardless of who is responsible for them. Since the module is web-enabled, these management functions can be performed remotely using a browser.
Users can be notified of pending Activities or any changes in the status of an Opportunity by using GLOVIA G2 Transform Foundation Server. Whenever an Organization or Opportunity is changed or updated – or an Activity is completed – the sales representative responsible for the account is instantly notified, as are all the members of the associated sales team.
Contact & Opportunity Management features definable user tables to provide system security. Administrators or sales managers can restrict access to information regarding Opportunities or Organizations to the sales representative or sales team that needs it. For example, a sales representative would be assigned access to his or her accounts only, while a sales manager would be granted access to all Opportunities and Organizations within a specific geographic location.
Download the CrescentOne data sheet to learn more about implementing our GLOVIA G2 Business Metrics ERP Module at your company.
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