We now offer two new Enterprise Search capabilities.
The first is an ‘out of the box’ solution for searching the ‘core’ data stored in the GLOVIA G2 database. Maximizing User Productivity was the key consideration in the design process; hence the search not only finds matching results for search criteria entered it provides:
- Data security that ensures users only see the data they normally have access to in GLOVIA G2
- Application filters and links that allow the user to minimize the displayed search results based on relevancy and/or to jump to the most relevant group of results
- Appropriate GLOVIA G2 functional links for each specific match found
- Functional security that ensures users only have access to the functions they normally have access to in GLOVIA G2
The second Enterprise Search Capability is a development tool that allows the Enterprise search results ‘reach’ to be extended to meet customer specific needs. Custom fields, tables and functions can be added to the search capabilities using this capability.
Upload Feature
This feature provides the ability to define an ‘Upload’ button on practically any GLOVIA G2 screen using GLOVIA G2 Configurable UI capabilities.
It provides the ability to upload documents, spreadsheets, photographs, etc. and store them based on key information displayed on the screen.
The functionality used to index and store the documents can be configured to suit specific business needs without any programming or customization.
For example: Inspectors using GLOVIA G2 on a tablet to conduct inspection activities can now upload photographs of damaged items and store them based on a Receiver number, an inspection report number, a Return to Supplier number, Work Order number, RP Schedule, Lot number, etc.
The new upload feature can be used in thousands of practical scenario’s to upload a wide variety of files, photographs and documents. It provides a convenient, cost effective and simple to implement solution wherever there is a need to store externally generated information and link it to GLOVIA G2 data so that it can easily be retrieved and reviewed at a later date from within GLOVIA G2.
The functionality supports the upload to document repositories that include Share-Point and Transform Content Center. It is also supports the ability to upload to file shares.
Once uploaded the documents, spreadsheets, photographs, etc. can then be retrieved and displayed from within GLOVIA G2.
The Upload Capability utilizes an HTML5 control and requires the use of GLOVIA G2 Version 3.5.0 (or later), and, GMEAP.
Download the CrescentOne data sheet to learn more about implementing our GLOVIA G2 Enterprise Search capabilities at your company.
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