Capabilities » Connectivity


Manufacturers who want to increase responsiveness and lower costs no longer have any choice but to integrate their core information systems, streamline business processes, and collaborate with their customers and suppliers.

The GLOVIA G2 Connectivity module set offers a number of business benefits, including:

  • Links customers, suppliers and trading partners
  • Improved information flow and visibility
  • Increased supply chain responsiveness
  • Reduced transaction costs
  • Automated business processes and decreased cycle times

GLOVIA G2 Connectivity module set enables manufacturers to increase supply chain visibility and transparency, decrease response times and automate key business processes. The ERP integration solution, based on an open XML platform, allows manufacturers to exchange information across disparate systems easily, whether internal or external.

The ERP integration solution includes inbound and outbound XML transactions sets, XML data synchronization capabilities and functionality for trading partner management, workflow and transaction automation. GLOVIA G2 Connectivity also delivers advanced technology including ebXML and J2EE, and is fully compliant with industry standards such as RosettaNet, OAIG, and SWAP.

The solution includes inbound and outbound XML transactions sets, XML data synchronization capabilities and functionality for trading partner management, workflow and transaction automation. GLOVIA G2 Connectivity also delivers advanced technology including ebXML and J2EE, and is fully compliant with industry standards such as RosettaNet, OAIG, and SWAP.

Who are my most profitable customers? What is my best selling product? What is my on-time delivery performance? Have inventory turns decreased? Have customer service levels dropped?

Executives ask these and thousands of similar questions everyday.

Connectivity benefits include:

  • Decreased decision-making cycle times
  • Improved decision-making accuracy
  • Increased visibility into key performance indicators
  • Improved access to critical business information and documents
  • Increased organizational responsiveness

GLOVIA G2 Connectivity takes the enormous volume of data that your organization collects and turns it into meaningful, actionable information. Our solution helps you analyze and improve your business and make faster, more informed business decisions.

Contact CrescentOne for more information about the GLOVIA G2 Connectivity modules.

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