Capabilities » Tools & Technologies

ERP Tools & Technologies

An extended ERP system, at the most basic level, is a tool that supports your business. Manufacturers often overlook the costs of proper management and maintenance for these tools when they choose a solution.

GLOVIA G2 Tools & Technologies offers a number of business benefits, including:

  • Increased data integrity and security
  • Reduced customization and migration costs
  • Reduced application management
  • Reduced total cost of ownership

GLOVIA G2 Tools & Technologies is a supporting package of core technologies and application development tools that allow you to manage and customize your GLOVIA G2 extended ERP system investment easily.

GLOVIA G2 Tools & Technologies, beyond providing access to source code to the extended ERP system, audits database transactions and changes, identifies application modifications, and customizes and extends functionality all on a cost-effective basis.

Contact CrescentOne for more information about GLOVIA G2 Tools & Technologies.

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Manufacturers in varied industries around the world rely on CrescentOne to provide flexible, reliable and affordable solutions to manage their operations.

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